Thursday, October 19, 2006

What do you do??

YUP! I have been in a creative slump these past couple of weeks. I regularly slide down that hill and I know it has been beaten to death all over the net and in magazines, but I am still curious as to how creative minds overcome slumps. I have found I cannot create when I am preoccupied with other things in my life or when I am stressed by work.
I made this piece because a friend asked me to help out. At least it was a push to try and do something!!! Sometimes deadlines can force me to try and think of something to do but I am never one who likes being forced to do anything. I love browsing blogs and I am a total magazine freak so I tend to browse those if I am not doing something creative. I know a lot of programs recommend doing something artistic every day even if you are not feeling creative but I have tons and tons of unfinished backgrounds, journals etc all over the joint!!!
What do you do?


At 7:09 PM, Blogger Patti G. said...

Tina, ONE is lucky and blessed to have you as a friend first of all!!!!!!!!! <3 And this piece is stunning, so even though you feel in a slum, it is amazing what you have created! I know that there have been a couple of time that I really just felt overwhelmed with things and then could not create at all! I think that happens, and we need to just accept it and not make ourselves feel guilty on the top of whatever is bother us that will make things worse! But, like you....I look at magazines and then just decide to get moving on something! It is sort of fun to think of friends, and say, maybe I will start simple and create a postcard for 3 friends tonight! That way, I will get in some art and also write a note to them as well that is not just an email! Something like that gets me going....I hope that others mention things that help you and the rest of us! Hugs dear friend,Patti

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Patti G. said...

slumP is what I meant!!!!!! Sheeeeesh!!!!!!!!!! :0)

At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

indeed, very gorgeous. i hope my many posts will not end in the spam filter. hehe i can see you're using your new gpp stamps. love it. ahem ... i'm a magazine and book freak and love to browse/page thru them. i have a lot of art books, so there i can always find inspiration. was in frankfurt this weekend and bought some wall calendars for next year. need several. unpacking them tonight was my art dose. but i still feel entranced from the cirque du soleil show last night. i guess that was inspiration pure!!!! first time i've seen them live. i'm not creative every day either, sometimes don't really have the time. i'm not worried about slumps. they're ok and i take a break. ok, but i need to get going on my art-e-zine nude cards ...


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