Monday, October 30, 2006

Tagged for the first time ever!!!!!

Got tagged by Belinda!!
Unfortunately I don't have any of my baby pics. I am trying to get hold of pics of my childhood from my mother but even she does not know where they are amongst her things which is a crying shame....

taken a picture completely naked? no
danced in front of a mirror naked? not since I had babies; ughhh!
had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? unfortunately yes and quite recently

been arrested? no
seen someone die? again unfortunately too many times(job related)

kissed a picture? yes, my sons

slept in until 5pm? couldn't even if i tried.

had sex at work? no
fallen asleep at work? yes
held a snake? heck no!!

ran a red light? yes, more times than I care to admit.

been suspended from school? no

pole danced? no

been fired from a job? no
sang karaoke? no

done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? too many times

laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? no
laughed until you peed? yes

caught a snowflake on your tongue? no
kissed in the rain? no
had sex in the rain? no
sang in the shower? yes
gave your private parts a nickname? no

ever gone to work without underwear? no

sat on a rooftop? fraid of heights

played chicken? what is chicken?

broken a bone? no

flashed someone? no

mooned someone? I led a sheltered life, what can I say? I don't even know what it means!

skinny dipped? no

shaved your head? no
slept naked? yes in the summer
blacked out from drinking? no

played a prank on someone? yes
had a gym membership? yes

felt like killing someone? not literally but figuratively, yes!

truly hated someone? a totally wasted emotion
felt like smacking someone in the face? yes
cried over someone you were in love with? yes
had Mexican jumping beans as pets? no

been in a band? no

shot a gun? no

shot a bow and arrow? yes, home made one from grasses

played strip poker? no

donated blood? can't due to a medical condition
ever jump out of an airplane? no way!

been to more than 10 countries? almost but not quite.


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